He Comes to Make all things New!
Welcome to
Urban Survival USA Ministry
24 Hour Hotline for those needing prayer and or counseling
(682) 261-0890

Asking for all Believers to pray for the salvation of Israel
We have Prayer on Saturday morning 8am central standard time , if you would like to join us please contact us for Prayer Call details. Please Join us as we come to together to Stand Against the darkness of this age. All Prayer Warriors are Welcome! Even if you are not a seasoned Warrior; you can learn and Grow with us!
He comes to make all things new!
"WE overcome him by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony! even unto death and did not consider our own life"
Please pray for the perfecting of the Saints; according to Ephesians 4 to become one in spirit and soul with the spirit of Father God; Our spirit in unity with His Spirit through our King and Savior Yeshua King Jesus!
“And he compels all [alike], both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked with an inscription” Revelations 13:16
We must prepare our hearts for the evil that is coming upon us, great deceptions, the falling away, Mark of the Beast;. WE will be preparing the way of the Lord informing others of the deception that will be taking place and to help shelter others from the Mark of the beast.
Put on the Full Armor of God and cover yourself and your families with Blood of Jesus and Psalms 91 Daily~ A Light in the Darkness, a Beacon of Hope |