Now Word for this season is Prepare; prepare for the Harvest, and one way to do that is to know what you need to minister to the young Believers and some who have known the Lord for sometime, but just did not know and understand the Foundational Principals of the Word that is stated in Hebrews 6:1-3 . The Lord has commissioned several people to write an understanding of these truths that we must know and understand if we are to walk with Christ and in His Kingdom Principals. Here is the teaching the Lord revealed to me as I sought Him on what we need to know and understand in order to walk and grow in the Lord!
You can Order my latest Discipleship Manual here on my website for : $14.99 plus $3.00 shipping
please click the link!
by Charles & Frances Hunter, as told by Roland Buck
"Don't be afraid. The Father has sent me to bring a message for you to bring to your church and the world." - Angel Gabriel
I am placing this amazing true story on the Internet for several reasons. First, I still have the same impression as Charles Hunter did about these messages from angels, that "the entire world needs to hear them." In addition to the Bible, it should be obvious that this book is also divinely inspired. Twenty three years after I first read about the angel Gabriel's 27 visitations with Pastor Buck, & visiting Roland Buck's church in 1980, I am still as convinced today as I was back in 1979. Since the Internet began in the 90s, it's time the message take on 'wings' on the WWW (world wide web), in the hopes that yet another person will be transformed by these incredible messages brought to us by special messengers straight from God's heart! Webmaster, Texas (July 2002)
Webmaster's Update, 2013: This online copy of AoA is the third printing that came out in the summer of 1979, written by Charles and Frances Hunter after many interviews of Pastor Buck, only months before his passing on Nov. 6, 1979. Later editions by another publishing house contain only 15 chapters. This original edition has a chapter 16, entitled "In the Beginning" written by the Hunters, of yet more testimony to what God was doing. Charles and Frances Hunter spent nearly 40 years leading "healing explosions," where they prayed for the sick and taught Christians about the ministry of healing. Known as the Happy Hunters for their ready smiles and quick humor, the couple wrote more than 50 books about divine healing, including the best-seller, How to Heal the Sick. Frances Hunter went to be with the Lord in 2009 at the age of 93, followed the next year, 2010, by her husband Charles, who was 89.
Table of ContentsStart of Book
Who Is Roland Buck? Some will believe this story. Some won't. We do! Whether you believe it or not, this book will cause you to see God's love in a greater way than ever before and it will make Jesus come alive to you!
A Word From the Wife of Roland Buck Although my husband has meditated a great deal on the Word, he is not a mystic, but very human and a person I have grown to love and trust. God can do as he pleases. Didn't he visit many people in the Old and New Testaments? He is still able to do the same in these days - God is the God of the supernatural - who can deny it?
Chapter 1
Encounter Possibly the questions most often asked are ... "How did it happen that God chose you?" "Was it through deep hunger on your part?" "Was it through prayer and fasting?" I would honestly have to say ... "I don't know! I fall short in all of these areas!"
Chapter 2
Good News For You and Your Family About three o'clock in the morning, I was abruptly awakened when someone grasped my arms and sat me right up in bed! Do you know ... that if even one member of your family is living for God, each individual member is highly favored? That a great host of angels has been assigned to bring these highly favored people to God? That they have orders to listen to no objections, but to hasten individuals to a point of choice? That if a person chooses the wrong way, the angels will begin the cycle all over again?
Chapter 3
Ministry of Angels The light flipped on and I saw what appeared to be two of the largest men I had ever seen! Strong currents of radiation pulsated from them. I started to fall, but was steadied by the strong hand of these seven-foot-plus beings. IT SOUNDED LIKE HE SAID, "I AM GABRIEL," but it couldn't be ... he has not been seen for centuries. Am I really seeing things or IS HE REALLY HERE ... IN MY HOME?
Chapter 4
My Visit to the Throne Room The chain of strange happenings in my life date back to January 21, 1977, when I became God's guest. I discovered he wants to be treated like a friend. His words to me ... "Relax, I already know you," have changed my life. When he said, "I don't record failure," he opened a door of hope for all mankind.
Chapter 5
Sequel to the Throne Room Would you say ... Thirty correct predictions out of one hundred is phenomenal? ... How about 120 out of 120? ... God never misses. That is why you can rely wholly on him. ... God told me the pope has no more influence with him than the least of his saints, and has no greater privileges, but because his influence with man is great, his choice is God's concern. Therefore, in order to help in the restoration of his fragmented body, God had chosen a man named Karol Wojtyla of Poland. Date of prediction: January 21, 1977 ... Date of fulfillment: October 16, 1978, Pope John Paul II.
Chapter 6
God's Priorities Queenie, that's my dog ... a purebred Great Dane ... quietly "woofed" as she pressed her wet nose against my face. The time was 2 AM. I knew what was up by now. This is the way she rouses me when she becomes aware that angelic visitors are in the house. ... Filled again with awe and wonder, I listened as Gabriel stressed seven things of utmost importance to God. Priorities that the world must hear.
Chapter 7
He Tasted Death One time as the angels ministered to me, God allowed me to see Jesus as the sacrificed lamb ... My heart broke ... As this panorama of truth passed before me, I saw him as the lamb lying there in death. ... Then I saw the little lamb slowly start to rise, and as it rose up, it became a mighty ram with seven horns upon its head and it had seven eyes ... "You have seen him die as the lamb, now see him as he arose the great conqueror, with complete power in heaven and earth given to Him."
Chapter 8
You Are Covered (Atonement) I sat glued to my chair ... unable to move ... The same divine radiance which glowed from Moses' face after forty days with God, multiplied a hundred times from an eternity in God's presence, streamed from Gabriel's being and literally engulfed me ... His word and his touch brought back my strength. I cried ... and you, too, will cry as you discover the beauty of this message he brought directly from God's big heart!
Chapter 9
God's Warning Signals ... It happened in broad daylight the Saturday before Christmas ... The door of my church office opened and once again God's highest angel had come with a special word from God ... Remember, if you feel numb and cold inside and it's a weight and a burden for you to think, "Here's another week and I have to go to church. I don't want to fail God, but it's a chore; there is no excitement in my spiritual life," WATCH OUT!
Chapter 10
When God Says Thanks! His eyes were like deep, glowing embers, his voice resonant and clear ... this giant angel ... as he told me about "The Believer's Judgment". My heart leaped when I heard him say, "THE BELIEVER'S JUDGMENT IS NOT A DARK NIGHT THROUGH WHICH HE MUST PASS BEFORE HE BREAKS OUT INTO GOD'S ETERNAL DAY, BUT A DAY IN WHICH GOD HAS CHOSEN TO SAY THANKS TO HIS PEOPLE."
Chapter 11
Mission Philippines ... About four in the morning, the light came on in my room, and I opened my eyes ... There were two cots in the room. I was sleeping in one, and when I looked over at the empty one, I saw Gabriel sitting there. "How did you find me here?" "We didn't have any trouble finding you, because we arranged for you to be here," Gabriel replied.
Chapter 12
Michael and His Angels I heard loud noises downstairs very early one Monday morning ... I will never forget the sight in my living room as I went to investigate ... Angelic warfare was being directed from my home as the Command post ... this attack was serious enough for Michael, the leader of all warring angels, to appear on the scene. (Additional angel material added in this chapter)
Chapter 13
Angels On Assignment What did angels do between those times of recorded appearances ... did they rest ... or what happened to them? "We are busy all the time scattering God's enemies and putting the pieces of his plan together ... I commanded a heavenly army with orders from God to push the walls of Jericho into the ground ... and we did!" That's what Chrioni, the great warring angel, told me ... and more!
Chapter 14
He is Coming Again! ... As I think of the return of Jesus, I remember what Gabriel said, "There has never been such excitement and activity in the courts of heaven since Jesus came the first time, as there is right now!"
Chapter 15
In Closing ... Charles & Frances Hunter Pastor Buck looked down. Gabriel's feet were about four inches off the floor! ... Then he looked at Cyprion's feet, and they were about eighteen inches off the floor. ... Then he looked at his own feet, and to his utter amazement, they were also about eighteen inches off the floor!
Chapter 16
In the Beginning As the book goes into its third printing before the end of two months, we wondered why God had left the seven empty pages at the end of the book. Now we know!
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. The Authorized King James Version (KJV) The Living Bible, Paraphrased (TLB), © 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, IL The Amplified New Testament (AMP), © The Lockman Foundation 1954, 1958 JB Phillips, The Gospels, © The Macmillan Company, New York All references not specified are from the KJV. ISBN 0-917726-33-2
Home | T of C | Sequel Book - Man Who Talked With Angels | PDF Copy of AoA Book | Contact
War in Israel 2023
On October 7th 2023 Hamas invaded Israel and killed and murdered and took hostages and burned and killed and killed and killed innocent men, women and children and it did not matter if they were not Jewish or not they just wanted to take innocent lives.
I believe it is the war of Psalm 83 and I also believe Israel will be restored of what the canker worm has eaten and before the great and terrible day of the Lord, Israel will be restored of what she has lost, as according to Joel 2:21-32
Fight For Our King and our Nation!
All through history the Lord has always had a people who will fight and Stand with Him, in times of crisis in times of peril the Lord has always had a remnant to lift up His Name and cry out to Him for His intervention; as now we need to lift up the Name of Jesus and cry out to Him for His intervention here in the United States of America. We are called to come into Unity and to Stand as One against the wickedness that seeks to destroy this nation and the foundation it was built upon.
Few truly know of the heritage of this nation, however, we were founded to be a nation of refuge and a safe haven a place to support and keep those who were not able to stand on their own or who needed to hear the Word of the living God and prepare nations for the soon coming King! To teach the Kingdom of God that is coming and support Israel!
Many do not know that our forefather fought for the freedom of the people who were in bondage; the slaves who lives had been torn from them, who were viciously beaten, and enslaved in shackles. The women raped and forced to serve men and women who saw them as a piece of property. Our forefathers sought the God of All Creation and fought the fight of truth and justice and won the battles against this wickedness! It did not happen over night, but it did happen. The Lord did intervene and set them free from the evil King who supported the slave trade, The slaves were set free and are no longer bound in this nation.
WE are still called today to wage the War against wickedness that has come to destroy this nation and remove our heritage from our fathers and we would not fulfil our Call that was mandated to protect those who could not protect themselves. It is the design of this nation to be a Brother to Israel and a Leader to those who need a support, we are Called for such a time as this. And if you are not up to this Calling maybe you should not be here in this Great Nation, because this is the Call of every American! We are Called by our Great and Powerful God, and Savior Jesus and Father God to Stand and testify to His Word, to Stand with the helpless and broken and be a teacher and example for those who do not know who our Savior.
Come and wage War on your knees and fight the good fight of Faith. Calling our Savior to break the back of the wicked and raise us up one more time for HIs Name Sake and take this Nation back from the darkness that is seeking to destroy it. We fight not flesh and blood but darkness and principalities in dark places, wickedness and lawlessness. So fight the fight of your life and Call on the one who can set us free and lift us up to fulfil our Calling! Jesus the Christ! Our Savior and King !
by Charles & Frances Hunter, as told by Roland Buck
"Don't be afraid. The Father has sent me to bring a message for you to bring to your church and the world." - Angel Gabriel
I am placing this amazing true story on the Internet for several reasons. First, I still have the same impression as Charles Hunter did about these messages from angels, that "the entire world needs to hear them." In addition to the Bible, it should be obvious that this book is also divinely inspired. Twenty three years after I first read about the angel Gabriel's 27 visitations with Pastor Buck, & visiting Roland Buck's church in 1980, I am still as convinced today as I was back in 1979. Since the Internet began in the 90s, it's time the message take on 'wings' on the WWW (world wide web), in the hopes that yet another person will be transformed by these incredible messages brought to us by special messengers straight from God's heart! Webmaster, Texas (July 2002)
Webmaster's Update, 2013: This online copy of AoA is the third printing that came out in the summer of 1979, written by Charles and Frances Hunter after many interviews of Pastor Buck, only months before his passing on Nov. 6, 1979. Later editions by another publishing house contain only 15 chapters. This original edition has a chapter 16, entitled "In the Beginning" written by the Hunters, of yet more testimony to what God was doing. Charles and Frances Hunter spent nearly 40 years leading "healing explosions," where they prayed for the sick and taught Christians about the ministry of healing. Known as the Happy Hunters for their ready smiles and quick humor, the couple wrote more than 50 books about divine healing, including the best-seller, How to Heal the Sick. Frances Hunter went to be with the Lord in 2009 at the age of 93, followed the next year, 2010, by her husband Charles, who was 89.
Table of ContentsStart of Book
Who Is Roland Buck? Some will believe this story. Some won't. We do! Whether you believe it or not, this book will cause you to see God's love in a greater way than ever before and it will make Jesus come alive to you!
A Word From the Wife of Roland Buck Although my husband has meditated a great deal on the Word, he is not a mystic, but very human and a person I have grown to love and trust. God can do as he pleases. Didn't he visit many people in the Old and New Testaments? He is still able to do the same in these days - God is the God of the supernatural - who can deny it?
Chapter 1
Encounter Possibly the questions most often asked are ... "How did it happen that God chose you?" "Was it through deep hunger on your part?" "Was it through prayer and fasting?" I would honestly have to say ... "I don't know! I fall short in all of these areas!"
Chapter 2
Good News For You and Your Family About three o'clock in the morning, I was abruptly awakened when someone grasped my arms and sat me right up in bed! Do you know ... that if even one member of your family is living for God, each individual member is highly favored? That a great host of angels has been assigned to bring these highly favored people to God? That they have orders to listen to no objections, but to hasten individuals to a point of choice? That if a person chooses the wrong way, the angels will begin the cycle all over again?
Chapter 3
Ministry of Angels The light flipped on and I saw what appeared to be two of the largest men I had ever seen! Strong currents of radiation pulsated from them. I started to fall, but was steadied by the strong hand of these seven-foot-plus beings. IT SOUNDED LIKE HE SAID, "I AM GABRIEL," but it couldn't be ... he has not been seen for centuries. Am I really seeing things or IS HE REALLY HERE ... IN MY HOME?
Chapter 4
My Visit to the Throne Room The chain of strange happenings in my life date back to January 21, 1977, when I became God's guest. I discovered he wants to be treated like a friend. His words to me ... "Relax, I already know you," have changed my life. When he said, "I don't record failure," he opened a door of hope for all mankind.
Chapter 5
Sequel to the Throne Room Would you say ... Thirty correct predictions out of one hundred is phenomenal? ... How about 120 out of 120? ... God never misses. That is why you can rely wholly on him. ... God told me the pope has no more influence with him than the least of his saints, and has no greater privileges, but because his influence with man is great, his choice is God's concern. Therefore, in order to help in the restoration of his fragmented body, God had chosen a man named Karol Wojtyla of Poland. Date of prediction: January 21, 1977 ... Date of fulfillment: October 16, 1978, Pope John Paul II.
Chapter 6
God's Priorities Queenie, that's my dog ... a purebred Great Dane ... quietly "woofed" as she pressed her wet nose against my face. The time was 2 AM. I knew what was up by now. This is the way she rouses me when she becomes aware that angelic visitors are in the house. ... Filled again with awe and wonder, I listened as Gabriel stressed seven things of utmost importance to God. Priorities that the world must hear.
Chapter 7
He Tasted Death One time as the angels ministered to me, God allowed me to see Jesus as the sacrificed lamb ... My heart broke ... As this panorama of truth passed before me, I saw him as the lamb lying there in death. ... Then I saw the little lamb slowly start to rise, and as it rose up, it became a mighty ram with seven horns upon its head and it had seven eyes ... "You have seen him die as the lamb, now see him as he arose the great conqueror, with complete power in heaven and earth given to Him."
Chapter 8
You Are Covered (Atonement) I sat glued to my chair ... unable to move ... The same divine radiance which glowed from Moses' face after forty days with God, multiplied a hundred times from an eternity in God's presence, streamed from Gabriel's being and literally engulfed me ... His word and his touch brought back my strength. I cried ... and you, too, will cry as you discover the beauty of this message he brought directly from God's big heart!
Chapter 9
God's Warning Signals ... It happened in broad daylight the Saturday before Christmas ... The door of my church office opened and once again God's highest angel had come with a special word from God ... Remember, if you feel numb and cold inside and it's a weight and a burden for you to think, "Here's another week and I have to go to church. I don't want to fail God, but it's a chore; there is no excitement in my spiritual life," WATCH OUT!
Chapter 10
When God Says Thanks! His eyes were like deep, glowing embers, his voice resonant and clear ... this giant angel ... as he told me about "The Believer's Judgment". My heart leaped when I heard him say, "THE BELIEVER'S JUDGMENT IS NOT A DARK NIGHT THROUGH WHICH HE MUST PASS BEFORE HE BREAKS OUT INTO GOD'S ETERNAL DAY, BUT A DAY IN WHICH GOD HAS CHOSEN TO SAY THANKS TO HIS PEOPLE."
Chapter 11
Mission Philippines ... About four in the morning, the light came on in my room, and I opened my eyes ... There were two cots in the room. I was sleeping in one, and when I looked over at the empty one, I saw Gabriel sitting there. "How did you find me here?" "We didn't have any trouble finding you, because we arranged for you to be here," Gabriel replied.
Chapter 12
Michael and His Angels I heard loud noises downstairs very early one Monday morning ... I will never forget the sight in my living room as I went to investigate ... Angelic warfare was being directed from my home as the Command post ... this attack was serious enough for Michael, the leader of all warring angels, to appear on the scene. (Additional angel material added in this chapter)
Chapter 13
Angels On Assignment What did angels do between those times of recorded appearances ... did they rest ... or what happened to them? "We are busy all the time scattering God's enemies and putting the pieces of his plan together ... I commanded a heavenly army with orders from God to push the walls of Jericho into the ground ... and we did!" That's what Chrioni, the great warring angel, told me ... and more!
Chapter 14
He is Coming Again! ... As I think of the return of Jesus, I remember what Gabriel said, "There has never been such excitement and activity in the courts of heaven since Jesus came the first time, as there is right now!"
Chapter 15
In Closing ... Charles & Frances Hunter Pastor Buck looked down. Gabriel's feet were about four inches off the floor! ... Then he looked at Cyprion's feet, and they were about eighteen inches off the floor. ... Then he looked at his own feet, and to his utter amazement, they were also about eighteen inches off the floor!
Chapter 16
In the Beginning As the book goes into its third printing before the end of two months, we wondered why God had left the seven empty pages at the end of the book. Now we know!
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. The Authorized King James Version (KJV) The Living Bible, Paraphrased (TLB), © 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, IL The Amplified New Testament (AMP), © The Lockman Foundation 1954, 1958 JB Phillips, The Gospels, © The Macmillan Company, New York All references not specified are from the KJV. ISBN 0-917726-33-2
Home | T of C | Sequel Book - Man Who Talked With Angels | PDF Copy of AoA Book | Contact
War in Israel 2023
On October 7th 2023 Hamas invaded Israel and killed and murdered and took hostages and burned and killed and killed and killed innocent men, women and children and it did not matter if they were not Jewish or not they just wanted to take innocent lives.
I believe it is the war of Psalm 83 and I also believe Israel will be restored of what the canker worm has eaten and before the great and terrible day of the Lord, Israel will be restored of what she has lost, as according to Joel 2:21-32
Fight For Our King and our Nation!
All through history the Lord has always had a people who will fight and Stand with Him, in times of crisis in times of peril the Lord has always had a remnant to lift up His Name and cry out to Him for His intervention; as now we need to lift up the Name of Jesus and cry out to Him for His intervention here in the United States of America. We are called to come into Unity and to Stand as One against the wickedness that seeks to destroy this nation and the foundation it was built upon.
Few truly know of the heritage of this nation, however, we were founded to be a nation of refuge and a safe haven a place to support and keep those who were not able to stand on their own or who needed to hear the Word of the living God and prepare nations for the soon coming King! To teach the Kingdom of God that is coming and support Israel!
Many do not know that our forefather fought for the freedom of the people who were in bondage; the slaves who lives had been torn from them, who were viciously beaten, and enslaved in shackles. The women raped and forced to serve men and women who saw them as a piece of property. Our forefathers sought the God of All Creation and fought the fight of truth and justice and won the battles against this wickedness! It did not happen over night, but it did happen. The Lord did intervene and set them free from the evil King who supported the slave trade, The slaves were set free and are no longer bound in this nation.
WE are still called today to wage the War against wickedness that has come to destroy this nation and remove our heritage from our fathers and we would not fulfil our Call that was mandated to protect those who could not protect themselves. It is the design of this nation to be a Brother to Israel and a Leader to those who need a support, we are Called for such a time as this. And if you are not up to this Calling maybe you should not be here in this Great Nation, because this is the Call of every American! We are Called by our Great and Powerful God, and Savior Jesus and Father God to Stand and testify to His Word, to Stand with the helpless and broken and be a teacher and example for those who do not know who our Savior.
Come and wage War on your knees and fight the good fight of Faith. Calling our Savior to break the back of the wicked and raise us up one more time for HIs Name Sake and take this Nation back from the darkness that is seeking to destroy it. We fight not flesh and blood but darkness and principalities in dark places, wickedness and lawlessness. So fight the fight of your life and Call on the one who can set us free and lift us up to fulfil our Calling! Jesus the Christ! Our Savior and King !

Shortly after 40 days and nights in the wilderness, the Lord Jesus came out teaching and preaching on the Kingdom of God; He had heard that John the Baptist had been arrested and put into prison. He went to Capernaum by the sea in Zebulon and Naphtalli, going there to fulfill prophecy spoken by Isaiah the prophet.
Isaiah 9:1-2“But in the mist of judgment there is the promise and the certainty of the Lord’s deliverance and there shall be no gloom for her who was in anguish. In the former time the Lord rough into contempt the Land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali, but in the latter time He will make it glorious, by the way of the sea (of Galilee and land) beyond Jordan Galilee of nations. The People who walk in darkness have seen a great Light, those who dwell in the land of intense darkness and the shadow of death, upon them has the Light shined.” Is. 42:6, Matt. 4:15-16
Shortly after 40 days and nights in the wilderness, the Lord Jesus came out teaching and preaching on the Kingdom of God; He had heard that John the Baptist had been arrested and put into prison. He went to Capernaum by the sea in Zebulon and Naphtalli, going there to fulfill prophecy spoken by Isaiah the prophet.
Isaiah 9:1-2“But in the mist of judgment there is the promise and the certainty of the Lord’s deliverance and there shall be no gloom for her who was in anguish. In the former time the Lord rough into contempt the Land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali, but in the latter time He will make it glorious, by the way of the sea (of Galilee and land) beyond Jordan Galilee of nations. The People who walk in darkness have seen a great Light, those who dwell in the land of intense darkness and the shadow of death, upon them has the Light shined.” Is. 42:6, Matt. 4:15-16

AS Jesus walked along the sea shore and began gathering disciples; beginning with Simon Peter and Andrew his brother, and then James and John
Teaching “REPENT for the Kingdom of God is at Hand!”
As he traveled He healed every disease and every weakness and every sickness. News spread quickly and Jesus was greeted and followed by huge crows, coming to be healed, and to listen to His teachings.
“Seeing the crowds, he walked up on the mountain. And when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:
“How blessed are the poor in spirit!
For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
How blessed are those who mourn
they will be comforted.
Teaching “REPENT for the Kingdom of God is at Hand!”
As he traveled He healed every disease and every weakness and every sickness. News spread quickly and Jesus was greeted and followed by huge crows, coming to be healed, and to listen to His teachings.
“Seeing the crowds, he walked up on the mountain. And when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:
“How blessed are the poor in spirit!
For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
How blessed are those who mourn
they will be comforted.

How Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth!
How blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness!
or they will be filled.
How blessed are those who show mercy!
For they will be shown mercy.
How blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the “Sons of God”
How blessed are those who are persecuted
For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Let us look at each of the promises individually, looking at the intimate meaning of each promise, so we can find the heart of the message.
As we seek out the deeper meaning of the scripture that Jesus taught, we begin with the Poor in Spirit.
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Poor in spirit: Spiritually poor, so poor you can be considered a beggar. A person humble, abased in power, pride 11/12
“To be humble before you; spiritual poverty is to be humble before the Lord knowing we have been forgiven from a life of sin and poverty, God opposes the proud but gives “grace” to humble.” James 4:6
“But He saves the poor from the sword, their mouth, and from the clutches of the strong; so the poor can hope again; and injustice shuts its mouth” Job: 5:15
“Didn’t I myself make all these things? This is how they all came to be, “the kind of person on whom I look with favor is one with a poor and humble spirit, who trembles at my Word.” Isaiah: 66:2
“To be humble, denying self, denying flesh, fear the Lord” So that we can be His Hands and Feet, picking up our cross daily and follow Jesus. Luke 9:23
Spiritual poverty, we have nothing to give or offer to God in exchange for our forgiveness, we are saved by Grace of shed Blood of Jesus, giving us access to His Presence.” II Corinthians 6:10
“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, shining ever brighter until full daylight” Proverbs 4:18
“God be merciful to me, a sinner” being humble before God, know we have nothing without God! “I tell you this, this man went down to his home right with God rather than the other. For everyone who exalts him self will be humbled, but everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:13-14
Poor in Spirit are those who go to the Lord daily seeking Him for their direction and needs; their life is completely dependent on the Lord for their very existence; and it is as was meant to be, to seek Him with all our hearts; and if we seek Him with all our hearts, then we will find Him. Jeremiah 29:11
How blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness!
or they will be filled.
How blessed are those who show mercy!
For they will be shown mercy.
How blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the “Sons of God”
How blessed are those who are persecuted
For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Let us look at each of the promises individually, looking at the intimate meaning of each promise, so we can find the heart of the message.
As we seek out the deeper meaning of the scripture that Jesus taught, we begin with the Poor in Spirit.
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Poor in spirit: Spiritually poor, so poor you can be considered a beggar. A person humble, abased in power, pride 11/12
“To be humble before you; spiritual poverty is to be humble before the Lord knowing we have been forgiven from a life of sin and poverty, God opposes the proud but gives “grace” to humble.” James 4:6
“But He saves the poor from the sword, their mouth, and from the clutches of the strong; so the poor can hope again; and injustice shuts its mouth” Job: 5:15
“Didn’t I myself make all these things? This is how they all came to be, “the kind of person on whom I look with favor is one with a poor and humble spirit, who trembles at my Word.” Isaiah: 66:2
“To be humble, denying self, denying flesh, fear the Lord” So that we can be His Hands and Feet, picking up our cross daily and follow Jesus. Luke 9:23
Spiritual poverty, we have nothing to give or offer to God in exchange for our forgiveness, we are saved by Grace of shed Blood of Jesus, giving us access to His Presence.” II Corinthians 6:10
“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, shining ever brighter until full daylight” Proverbs 4:18
“God be merciful to me, a sinner” being humble before God, know we have nothing without God! “I tell you this, this man went down to his home right with God rather than the other. For everyone who exalts him self will be humbled, but everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:13-14
Poor in Spirit are those who go to the Lord daily seeking Him for their direction and needs; their life is completely dependent on the Lord for their very existence; and it is as was meant to be, to seek Him with all our hearts; and if we seek Him with all our hearts, then we will find Him. Jeremiah 29:11

Back to the Beginning: Sermon on the Mount (Paperback)
by Fraire, Debra $4.00 Kindle $.99
A teaching on the Sermon on the Mount that we all must know and understand that we must walk in love and put the Lord God first in everything we do. To not be deceived by doctrines of demons and to put our focus on Jesus, Yeshua our King, to trust the Leading of the Holy Spirit and to cling to HIs Word and His Truth of Justice and His Way of Walking.
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Back to the Beginning: Sermon on the Mount (Paperback)
by Fraire, Debra $4.00 Kindle $.99
A teaching on the Sermon on the Mount that we all must know and understand that we must walk in love and put the Lord God first in everything we do. To not be deceived by doctrines of demons and to put our focus on Jesus, Yeshua our King, to trust the Leading of the Holy Spirit and to cling to HIs Word and His Truth of Justice and His Way of Walking.
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